Google Ads In Singapore: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet You Need To Start

google ads

Since the past few decades, the term â€˜Digital Advertising’ has created a buzz. Actually, many reputed brands have started to invest a lion’s share of their marketing budgets to make ads online. Though there is the traditional advertising methods like TV ads, prints, and so on, yet the big shots prefer to spend more on digital ads. Why is this so? In Singapore, this transition is more noteworthy. It’s because the market consists of customers who are more media sophisticated.

Approximately, 4 out of 10 Singaporeans prefer to shop online. According to a recent study, 35% of Singaporeans search online before buying any product. That’s why, any advertising agency in Singapore choose to promote their services or products online. In this way, they’re able to target a broad audience.

Now comes the question- what makes Google ads more result-driven as compared to other advertising methods? Let’s find the answer.

Google Ads: How Is It Displayed?

Google has developed an online advertising service for business owners. The business owners are allowed to display their ads related to products or services in various formats like texts, video, and images on Google search engine. In return, they have to pay to Google.

Google considers keywords of the advertisers. It finds out relevant pages where it can display those ads. As the visitors of those pages click on the ads, the advertiser has to pay a certain amount to Google. The website where the ad was displayed also gets some share from that income of Google.

Role of IP Address

Beside controlling ad placement, the advertiser has the right to choose IP addresses where he wants to target his audience. If you hire a digital marketing agency Singapore, they will ask you which region you want to target. Accordingly, they will select such IP addresses for you.

If you do not want your ads to appear in a particular region, then your hired agency will exclude IP addresses of that region. As a result, your ads will not appear there.

Google Partners: What is it?

The initial name of Google Partners was Google Ads Certification. It is a partner of certification program of Google Ads. You’ve to qualify in various exams of Google Ads like Search Advertisement, Display Advertisement, and others to become their partner.

What Makes Google Ads Effective?

Report of Net Market Share has proved that Google gets 74.5% of the total earning of search market. This fact makes it the biggest network of the world for displaying ads. You can reach more than 80% of global audience by displaying your ads on this search engine. As per Google Investor Relations, 97% of total income of Google comes from ads.

It’s for this reason Google goes on improving its ads tool. The more it improves, the more benefits the advertisers can enjoy.

How Can You Start it?         

Framing a strong advertising agency is important to make the most out of your ads. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing more than gaining. Here’re some tips to help you make the strategy.

  • Stick to a Particular Ad Copy

Finding the right keywords for your ad campaign is a time-consuming job. However, it may not give you the results you were expecting. So, what have you missed? You may be choosing the wrong ad copy for your keywords. Use of generic ad copy may affect the outcome.

If your customers are finding the ads to be irrelevant, they are not going to click on it. Therefore, you’ve to invest time in choosing a perfect ad copy relevant to the keyword. At the same time, it should be customized for your targeted audience.

  • Ignore Business Location

Many advertisers don’t pay attention to mention their business location as they think it’s not necessary. They think that mentioning location of their business will limit their earnings. On the contrary, the truth is that if you’re not adding your location, your business is going to fail eventually.

People of different locations act differently to particular ads. So, by mentioning the location of your business, you can see a huge positive difference in the outcome.

  • Consider Specific Sales Page

Here’s a piece of advice from a renowned agency of Google advertising Singapore. They advice the business owners to consider sending traffic to their home page too and not only to their specific sales page. This is where most companies make mistakes. They don’t see any sense in sending traffic to their Home page.

When you’re sending traffic to the Home page, your audience will get more options. If they find your service and website reliable, they may proceed to buy from you.

  • Avoid Testing Thoroughly

Many small businesses don’t test their copy before displaying them. They think as the copy is looking good, the audience will be convinced easily. This type of overconfidence may make them pay heavily.

Sure, you know your audience needs. And, accordingly, you create an excellent ad copy for that. But, if you test the ad prior to displaying, it may show you some flaws which you may have missed otherwise. Your chances of conversion increases when you display thoroughly tested ads.

Empower Your Business in Singapore with Google Ads

You can get most out of your digital marketing campaigns with Google Ads. Despite this fact, many brands are still reluctant to use it and wonder why they’re not getting as much results as they’re giving efforts. If you’re finding it tough to leverage the power of Google Ads, feel free to get in touch with the leading digital marketing agency Singapore.

Keyword Bids and Completion

Whatever business you’ve, your competitors are surely going to affect your CPC, CTR, and bidding strategy. Your PPC budget for specific keywords determine who’s going to win the bidding war.

Apart from it, CPC also determines your bidding position. In Google Ads, the highest CPC keyword will determine your ad position and CPC. If your selected keyword has a low bid, then your CPC will be also low.

Significance of High Quality Score

If you’ve a high quality score, you can place your ads at a much higher rank even with low CPC and vice versa. High score directly impacts the CPC of your keyword. Ultimately, it affects your ads’ rank and position. Various factors such as CTR and ad copy decides your quality score.

The Bottom Line

The outcomes of Google Ads are extremely lucrative. However, you’ve to frame the strategy like a pro for that. You can also get help from a reputed advertising agency Singapore named Elevan August Media. If you’re interested to know more about them, feel free to check or website.

Elevan August

Lee Yan Ting
Lee Yan Ting

Founder of Elevan August Media | Featured on several local and regional media: Home & Décor, Straits Times, REGISTRYE Singapore, Hive Life, Queer Majority (USA) and more.