10 Instagram best Practices for your Business

Instagram best practices

Instagram is a popular social media tool mostly used for advertising purposes. Most Instagram users follow their favorite brands on this platform. The user engagement on Instagram is also around 4.21%, a number that is almost 10 times higher than Facebook & 84 times higher than Twitter. Created as a free photo & video sharing app, brands can use this platform as a useful social media marketing tool. Pursuing a social media marketing course in Singapore can help to learn different beneficial Instagram marketing tips for your business. In this article, we will share Instagram best practices that would benefit your brands.

Consistently post content

To stay on the mind and the news feeds of your followers, you need to post consistently. Experts suggest that brands must publish one or two posts each day. However, more than the number of posts, consistency is important. Additionally, it is also important to understand the optimal time to post on Instagram. Different experts have different opinions in this regard. Therefore you must try to post at different times and monitor the engagement to determine the right time to post on your account. To ensure that you suddenly didn’t run out of content ideas, create a content calendar for different days throughout the month. It would help you to keep track of your posts and be consistent. Attending a social media marketing course can help you learn about useful Instagram marketing tips.

Understand your brand

To sell your brand to your potential customers, you need to understand your brand. Similar to other social media platforms, Instagram also has unique features and hold appeal to a certain section of the audience. To reach that audience, you need to develop a marketing strategy that can help them relate to your brand. In this regard, sharing quality content can help. You can try sharing various types of content on this platform & monitor audience engagement to identify the best performing content. It would help you to create a content marketing strategy based on that type of content. In this regard, you must ensure that your Instagram stories and posts should match the communication style of your brand. To maintain this level of consistency you need to set up guidelines concerning branding for your other digital marketing activities.

Share stories

People are likelier to buy from a brand with whom they can connect emotionally. For that purpose, Instagram stories can be quite useful. Tell your story through interesting captions, attractive images, and videos, etc. Stories have a higher potential to connect with your audience. It not only helps in improving audience engagement but also can convert them into loyal followers of your brand. Stories stay live on your profile for about 24 hours. Use this feature to help your audience become familiar with your brand. You might try live streaming different company events or ask your employee to take over your profile for a day. Usually, this type of content is quite useful in forming a connection between your audience and your brand. To understand the ways to make the most of Instagram Stories, join a social media marketing course in Singapore today

Be visually consistent

Since Instagram is a visual medium; to improve user engagement you need to publish more visually driven content. You can upload candid shots or try using different filters on the images. While creating visual content for your brand on Instagram, ensure that the tone of the content should be consistent with the rest of your branding strategies.

Include relevant & trending hashtags

Using relevant and trending hashtags in your posts can help them appear at the top of the feed. Instead of using generic hashtags use the ones that are specific to your industry. Once you succeed in building a reputation for your brand, you should try to create branded hashtags for your posts. It helps your audience to easily find your brand & build a strong network of users. In this regard, you should also remember that though Instagram allows you to add a maximum of up to 30 hashtags, you should refrain from using so many hashtags. Otherwise, your posts would appear unprofessional. Instead, limit the use of hashtags to around seven or eight per post. Attending social media marketing courses for beginners can help you learn more about hashtags use for Instagram marketing.

Share user-generated content

User-generated content helps to improve audience engagement while reducing marketing expenses for your business.  You can ask your users to use your branded hashtags while submitting content. Further, you can repost the suitable content to your business page to make it visible to the rest of your audience.

Use Instagram advertising

With the proper planning, you can create useful advertising campaigns for the target audience at different stages of the sales funnel. With Instagram advertising, you are likelier to experience a higher audience engagement.  Pursue social media advertising courses Singapore to learn more about advertising tips that could benefit your brand.

Drive web traffic from your Instagram page

Instagram allows you to add a clickable link in the bio of your profile. Share promotional offers on your page to encourage your audience to visit your website to avail the same. Additionally, your Instagram ads will also contain a link to your website.

Collaborate with micro-influencers

Instagram influencer marketing has become quite popular. However, if you are planning to collaborate with micro-influencers, you must choose them wisely. Every influencer has their unique audience and area of expertise. Therefore, approach the influencers that are relevant to your industry & collaborate with them. Since these influencers can reach a large number of audiences with one single post, influencer marketing can be beneficial for your brand.

Apply SEO practices in Instagram

It may come as a surprise as SEO & Instagram usually don’t go together. However, including SEO practices in your Instagram account can benefit your brand in the long-term. The two areas in your Instagram account that would help you in this regard are – your account name & your account handle. Your account name appears below the profile picture. Ideally, you should use your brand’s name as the account name. Next is your account handle or in simpler terms your username. We advise you to select a name that would be related to your business & industry.

Therefore, practicing these Instagram marketing tips would benefit your brand. Similar to other social media platforms, Instagram marketing & advertising trends keep changing over time. Therefore, we advise you to stay updated about these changes. It would help to make the most of Instagram marketing for your business. Elevan August Media is a boutique digital marketing agency that offers social media marketing courses for beginners. You can consult them to develop the right social media marketing strategies for your business. Otherwise, you can also join their courses to learn more about social media marketing tips to implement the same for your business.

Elevan August

Lee Yan Ting
Lee Yan Ting

Founder of Elevan August Media | Featured on several local and regional media: Home & Décor, Straits Times, REGISTRYE Singapore, Hive Life, Queer Majority (USA) and more.